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Private Portfolio  
(James Lee foundation)

1. "The Tide"

Single track off full length album To the North release date Sept 26 2015

2. "Author"

 Track off full length album To the North release date Sept 26 2015

3. Excerpt from "The Shape of a Girl"

Original music composed for award winning play (2014)

5. "To the North" performed live
with choir (2015)

Original song performed live with the Carleton University choir at "Songscapes" 

4. Original Music for Commercial

Original music written for commercial (2015)

6. "To the North" 

 Track off full length album To the North release date Sept 26 2015

7. Completed Degree Transcript

Bachelor of Music 2014 
Including Previous Awards list 
Carleton University 


9. Re-scoring of Opening Credits in  "The Weight of Water" 

Hear the Fully orchestrated  length version:

"The Weight of Water" by Lora Bidner

8. Sound effects for film (2015)

"Alien Autopsy" is a 30 second sound bite created to accompany a film scene involving an alien encounter 

10. Original Music for Documentary 

Original Music written and recordd for documentary 2013 

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